Nuns and Man Buns

Nuns and Man Buns

Who’s ready for a game of Jeopardy: Study Abroad edition?


Things Seen in the Airport in Rome for 300, please.


“What are nuns and man buns?”




Things that make you say “Jesus!” for 500.


“……What are…. Nuns? And… man buns?”




I’ve been working on that since Friday. Fortunately (unfortunately??) for you, I think I’m going to have lots of pent up bad jokes now that I am an undoubtedly quirky English speaker in an Italian speaking country. There’s a lot of material here that’s going unsaid. Get ready; things are going to get weirder than usual. And, just in case you’re wondering, that jeopardy game is based entirely on fact. I saw an Honest to God nun all decked out in the airport in Rome… I guess she just couldn’t break the habit.




So far, I’ve achieved two of my study abroad goals.

  1. Get to Viterbo- Check
  2. Don’t die- Check


As you can see, I set very lofty goals for myself. I try to set goals that set me up for a guaranteed success, so I’m essentially the exact opposite of “the greats” in that sense. Take Thomas Edison, for example. Edison and his whole “ I found 100 ways how not to make a light bulb” mentality is just a little too light-hearted for me. (Again with the puns. I told you, I need an outlet for all of this strange wordy energy.)




Anyway, Italy has been great. I’ve eaten mostly bread, the weather forecast has consistently read “abundant sunshine,” I successfully ordered my first gelato in Italian, and the people here are still attributing all of my strange commentary to “residual jetlag” and haven’t come to the conclusion that I’m a total weirdo yet. Overall, I’d say things are going well.


The view from my apartment:book-13


Vallerano’s Notta Della Candele, a festival where the entire town is covered in over 50,000 votive candles:

Somebody call 911, votive candles burning on the lamppost, ohOHohOH
Somebody call 911, votive candles burning on the lamppost, ohOHohOH




1 thought on “Nuns and Man Buns”

  • AGAIN WONDERFUL!!!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOGS!!!! Keep them coming, you’re not weird you’re wonderful. They are very funny and entertaining. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!
    Love Mom

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